
After a year of guerrilla warfare in Bolivia together with a small group of 52 comrades, Che Guevara was now dead.

His dream of uniting Latin America through armed revolution was put to an end. The person who more than any other has been doomed in the history books as guilty of Che’s death is his former lieutenant, Ciro Bustos.

When captured he drew Che's portrait for the Bolivian army. Since then he has been living in silence. He now appears for the first time in a documentary film. His version of the events raises questions about how history is written.


First Prize at the 2001 International Documentary Filmfestival ”It’s all true”, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

First Prize at the 2001 International Documentary Filmfestival of Oporto, Portugal.

Best Non-Latinamerican Documentary at 2001 Festival de Nuevo Cine, Havana, Cuba.

Best use of music and sound, Prague, 2002 ”One World” Human Right Film Festival.



Sacrificio – Who betrayed Che Guevara? DIRECTORS Erik GandiniTarik Saleh. LENGTH 59 min. LANGUAGE Swedish. CINEMATOGRAPHY Mårten Nilsson, Lukas Eisenhauer. EDITOR Johan Söderberg. RELEASE 2001.